MIRRI has reported on the key implementation and operational advances it has achieved over the years of 2020 and 2021.
Read the full news release here.
MIRRI, as a pan-European Research Infrastructure, will dedicate the decade ahead to applying microbial resources and cutting-edge technologies for research and innovation in Health & Food, Agro-Food, and Environment & Energy through its Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the capacities of its partner organisations.
Continue readingMIRRI is pleased to announce that it will take part in a new €12 million Horizon Europe funded project, BeYond-COVID (BY-COVID), through the participation of three of the member organisations of MIRRI’s Italian node.
Continue readingMIRRI is addressing (potential) users of microbial resources and associated services, including researchers and companies, with the survey “How can we help delivering the maximum value from your projects, technologies or products?”.
Continue readingOn 15 and 17 June 2021, MIRRI has organized, under the IS_MIRRI21 project, two information and matchmaking events dedicated to Horizon Europe opportunities and MIRRI membership. The online events were organized in connection with the RI-VIS Latin America – Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, and with the collaboration of PERIN – Portugal in Europe Research and Innovation Network.
Continue readingInterested in learning more about funding opportunities in Horizon Europe and finding the right partners for your research and innovation projects in the domains of Health, Food, Agro-food, Environment and Energy? Interested in joining MIRRI as a Member or a Partner Organisation? Don’t miss the upcoming events that MIRRI/IS_MIRRI21 has prepared for you: a webinar and a workshop launched in connection with the RI-VIS Latin America – Europe Symposium on Research Infrastructures, and with the collaboration of PERIN – Portugal in Europe Research and Innovation Network.
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