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MIRRI-ERIC is a distributed, yet centrally coordinated, pan-European Research Infrastructure.

The Assembly of Members (AoM), constituted by the Members/Observers and assisted by the Advisory and Ethical Boards, decides on the long-term strategy, governance and development of MIRRI-ERIC.
Decisions made by the AoM are managed by the Chair with support of the staff of the MIRRI-ERIC Central Coordinating Unit (CCU), which is the executive secretariat of MIRRI-ERIC

The National Coordinators Forum (NCF) is composed by the Executive Director and the National Coordinator of each Member – each Member designates a ‘National Node’ and a National Coordinator, who coordinates the MIRRI-ERIC activities of the Partners on its territory and links these activities with MIRRI-ERIC – and is chaired by the Executive Director and vice-chaired by up two elected members. The NCF supports the Executive Director and the and contributes to the development and execution of the Work Program, as well as enabling efficient interaction between MIRRI and the Partners.

The Executive Director, together with the Advisory Board, is responsible for evaluating aspiring Partners according to the criteria specified on the Partner Charter.


Portugal Melo, Ana

Executive Director

Ferreira, Ana
